How to Overcome First County Commitment
The gang chimes in with best practices and sound advice for anyone looking to overcome fear about committing to a county to begin their land business.
Joining Mark are:
- Erik Peterson
- Landon Harris
- Scott Bossman
- Tate Litchfield
- Scott Todd
The geeks weigh in on:
- How to determine the first county to go after and set yourself up for success
- How to trust the process
- How much time to give to test the market
- How to consider budget and price points
Erik compares his YouTube challenge with first-time land business owners.
The YouTube channel, Motivational Hub is devoted to motivational speeches. What got me really sucked in was a speech by Warren Buffet called “Why Two Percent Succeed and 98 Percent Don’t.” There are speeches by entrepreneurs and actors. It can relate to starting a business and what we all talked about today.
Did you enjoy this episode? If you did, check out another AOPI episodes that covers how to develop a mindset that creates focus and facilitates success.
Are you ready to learn more about land investing? Just click HERE to schedule a call.
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