How To Reduce Your Financial Stress And Increase Your Wealth

Mark Podolsky
2 min readJan 8, 2022

On this week’s episode of The Art of Passive Income, Mark and Scott welcome the Founder and CEO of Wealthtender, Brian Thorp to the show.

Brian Thorp is the founder and CEO of Wealthtender, a leading personal finance website helping thousands of people each month find the best financial advisors, coaches, and educational resources to enjoy life with less financial stress. With over 20 years of experience in the financial service world, his systems are committed to helping people improve their financial health while increasing their wealth.

Listen in as they discuss

  • What are some of the things people do not know about finance?
  • How to get connected with a financial advisor who understands your financial needs
  • What are the qualifications and roles of a good financial advisor?
  • How financial advisors at Wealthtender helps clients to bridge their financial gap

And, more!

Brian also shares with us the worst advice he has seen or heard given in his area of expertise.


Mark: My tip of the week is actually going to help everybody wealthier and more educated. Just go to, enjoy life more with less money stress.

Scott: In our business, we need writers, all the time. So, if you’re looking for writers check out, and see if there’s a good fit for you there. It’s like an up work just for writers.

Brian: My tip focuses on financial independence, more of that passive income, and retiring early, we have a great group of blogs. If you go to, I think we have about 30 personal blogs focused on the FIRE Movement (Financial Independence Retire Early). The great thing about thousands of blogs out there is you can really own in and find a blog that is focused on money and if you’re interested in financial Independence, specifically find a personal blog that’s focused on that FIRE Movement.


Did you like this episode? If so, tune into another one of our exciting episodes with special guest Caleb Guilliams as we talk about redefining your financial goals and habits for you.

Isn’t it time to create passive income so you can work where you want, when you want and with whomever you want?



Mark Podolsky

I help people build a massive passive income stream utilizing the safest investment on earth—land. Get my FREE Passive Income Blueprint