Important Tips From Team Land Geek On Red Flags In Buying Land
Today the team is talking about red flags in buying land. The group discuss their take on certain scenarios when the property you want to buy or sell is not just the right fit.
Joining Mark are:
- Landon Harris
- Erik Peterson
- Scott Todd
Some things they consider red flags:
- When a buyer wants to build on the property right away.
- If there is no road access to the property
- When expectations are not set the right way
Then, the team shares their thoughts on what they would do if someone wants to buy their land but there’s a red flag popping out.
My tip is Real Estate Lead Generation and Conversion Blog in Follow Up Boss which tells how your lead conversion rate should be in real estate.
My tip of the week is read the book PRE-SUASION By Robert B. Cialdini
Did you enjoy this episode? If you did, check out another AOPI episode to learn more tips about buying and selling land.
Are you ready to learn more about land investing? Just click HERE to schedule a call.
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